Four Questions with Allan Read, COO

August 24, 2020
Chanelle Dupre
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How would you describe your role at Avnan?

My role is to enable and grow a team of professionals driving innovation and operational excellence, continually improving Avnan’s overall value offering to our Customers.allan 225x300 1

What is your favourite part of working at Avnan?

Our Customers are different, each offering their own unique set of challenges.  My favourite part of working at Avnan is working side by side with my colleagues solving these challenges on behalf of our Customers, for our Customers.

What is your favourite way to unwind outside of work?

When not spending time with my wife and three children, I like to stay physically fit through a variety of team and individual sports activities such as ice hockey in the winter, hiking, rowing and running the rest of the season.  I also enjoy the strategic aspects of baseball and chess, albeit still an amateur.

What advice would you give someone just starting at Avnan?

  • Learn, learn, learn and never stop learning.
  • Leverage the experience of your team members.
  • Understand why tasks are done a certain way and then ask why again to determine if there is a better way to do it or if it needs to be done at all.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

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